Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Eagle Has Landed.

I dub the move a success. Last night I got into a rainy New York City around 6:30. On the plane I sat with two other girls around my age. One was embarking on the first leg of a nine month trip to Canada and Africa. The other has her Masters degree and is doing research with DNA basically trying to cure cancer. Once we landed I waited for an hour in the obscenely long cab line but by 8 Sarah was helping me lug my bags up the stairs. It wasn't near the big ordeal I imagined. I spent last night arranging my room (no easy task with a raised bed in a corner). Then Ryan, the guy Sarah is seeing, came over and we all hung out for a while.
Today I woke up and did some wandering. I went to the Salvation Army and the fruit stand. Bought a $4 lunch that could feed a family of four at New Ho Wah (the Chinese restaurant across the street). Liz called and I spent the rest of the day with her and Aaron at the Long Island Target and then the grocery. Aaron fixed us a spaghetti dinner and we watched Scrubs. It was nice. They have a very smart cocker spaniel named Maduro who I am going to take care of when they go to a wedding later this month. Tomorrow morning I have to go see Miriam at the temp agency. Hopefully she will have a job for me.


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