Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I spent my day today on iMovie figuring it out. And I've decided that my time was not wasted. So here is my very first movie attempt. All footage was taken with my digital camera on video mode. If your heart didn't melt before, it will never withstand THIS!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another Brannon Shaw!

Its true. While googling my name the other day, (which if you've never done- do it immediately...but not my name- do your own name... and find out what cyberspace knows about YOU.) I came across another person named Brannon Shaw. He is on an under-10 basketball team in Florida. I want to be his penpal but I realize thats creepy. Even though being the only two Brannon Shaws in the world I feel we should probably ban together. I also won't post the picture of him in his basketball uniform because eventually he will be old enough to google himself. And this blog will probably come up first due to the amount of times I've said Brannon Shaw. And he will probably feel kind of weird. But once he gets past that feeling he can feel free to leave a comment! Really Brannon. Let's chat.

That is almost all. Except that my baby got a haircut and its the cutest thing your eyes have never seen. Until now...

Did your heart just melt into a puddle on the floor?